I’m delighted to join the team of contributors blogging for the Forbes leadership channel. Take a look at my first post here. There are so many ideas that come from psychoanalysis, neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology that really have not been accessible to people in business, or translated for maximum utility for a top leader in business or finance. There’s definitely interest and understanding that the psyche plays a role in business decisions. But the vast majority of the psychological theory and advice available for business relies too heavily on cognitive psychology — though that has its place–and pop psychology.
I want to bring complex, subtle, powerful information about how the unconscious mind effects thinking and decision-making. I want to delve into the odd, anomalous, irrational and passionate aspects of human activity.
I’m convinced that this perspective has tangible financial value in helping decision-makers avoid costly (and often repetitive) errors. I’m so grateful to Forbes for the platform to make that case.
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